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Oats Idly

Oats are grown in temperature regions. Oatmeal is eaten as porridge and contain soluble fibre than any other grain. Oat extract can be used to soothe skin conditions.

Sooji Uthappam

Semolina or Suji is made from softer types of wheat which is yellow or white in colour. When semolina is boiled, it turns into a soft, mushy porridge. In South India it is used to make savoury foods like upma, ravva dosa and puddings like kesari or sheera.

Bottle-gourd kofta

Believed to be originated from Africa, bottle gourd  is not familiar in the west, is one of the favourite vegetable in India. Bottle gourd plays important role in preventing urinary disorders, very good for balancing liver functions recommended by Ayurveda physicians. It is also good for constipation and digestive disorders.

Pineapple Rasam

Rasam is a South Indian delicacy, simply prepared with citric juices with added spices, consumed with rice or as a soup. Many types of rasam are prepared in South India with tamarind, tomato or pineapple.

Masala Brinjal

Brinjal, is a native Indian subcontinent plant contains anti-oxidant activity. In France it is called Eggplant, or aubergine  is long prized for its unique taste and texture. Choose eggplants that are firm n their skin should be smooth and shiny whether it be purple, white or green. The cap on end of the eggplant, should be bright green in color.

Dates Laddu

Fresh dates are generally found soft, simple sugars, rich in dietary fiber and prevents LDL cholestrol. This contains antioxiants called 'tannins', rich in vitamin A and excellent source of iron. So preseting here 'dates laddu' as my 50th receipe.

Fruit Halwa

Various types of halwas are prepared in India depending on the region and the ingredients used in it.  Gajar ka halwa, suji halwa are most popular among all. Halwa refers to sweet confections served across Asia and Eastern Europe.

Garlic Bread

Garlic bread consists of bread topped with garlic and olive oil or butter. It is then grilled until toasted, or baked in an oven and is probably originated from Italy. The health benefit of eating garlic is its ability to fight heart disease. It helps prevent high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Vegetarian Kebabs

Kebab is Persian origin dish and Arabic tradition was invented by medieval Persian soldiers who used their swords to grill meat over open-field fires. Kebabs in  India are similar to most other kebab preparations along with their distinct taste which can be credited to the spices native to the sub-continent.

Mango Smoothie

Mango, native Indian subcontinent seasonal fruit spread all over the world widely. It's fruits and leaves are used in traditional Indian auspicious occasions, weddings and religious ceremonies. Raw mango pickle is very popular in Indian cuisine. Now let us taste a mango smoothie.........

Masala Lassi

Yogurt or curd helps digestion, is part of the Indian lunch or dinner, usually consumed at the end of the meal. Lassi aka buttermilk is one of the best refreshing coolants for summer. Lassi is originally from Punjab, made by blending yogurt or curd with water, salt, and spices or sweetener and is very popular beverage in north India and south India as well.

Allam Pickle

The English name ginger comes from French,  gingembre and is called allam in telugu. It is consumed as spice or medicine in Indian cuisine. In Western cuisine ginger is traditionally used mainly in sweet foods such as gingerbread, ginger  biscuits. It is also a spice added to hot tea and used as a natural treatment for colds and the flu.

Carrot Halwa

Carrots are available in almost all the seasons, grow easily and provides nutrition to the body. As everybody knows it improves vision and prevents dry skin. It serves as anti-oxidant and helps slows down ageing.

Suji Halwa

Suji Halwa is Indian Porridge aka kesari(Telugu) served at temples as prasadam. Semolina is a coarse or fine middling of varieties of wheat, rice and corn as well.

Plain Masala Dosa

Dosa, a south Indian delicacy available in different flavours. It is a fermented pancake make from rice and black gram dal. Dosa is a common breakfast item or street food in the southern India which is gluten-free and contains proteins.

Apple Pie

Several hundreds of varieties of apples are grown worldwide can be consumed raw or used in cooking and baking deserts. Apples are rich in anti-oxidants, vitamin-C. It's high fibre prevents hunger come faster, helps digestion and known to remove weakness.

Gooseberry Pickle

Gooseberry, rich in vitamin C acts as an anti-oxidant tastes sour and this fruit is very nourishing. It is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine, provides remedies for many ailments. Amla enhances appetite, boosts immunity, balances stomach acids, strengthens liver, good for hair, eye sight and lot more health benefits

Stuffed Ivy Gourd

Ivy gourd is a tropical vine, also called little gourd, can be seen from Africa to Asia and Hawaii. These leaves are used in treating skin eruptions. It can lower blood sugar and helps constipation. Ivy gourd contains fibre, vitamin B and minerals.

Jinger Apple Smoothie

Ginger a hot, fragrant kitchen spice, a natural medicine for many ailments since centuries. This is a wonder drug to Ayurveda practitioners, helps relieves indigestion, nausea, detoxifies the body and relaxes menstrual cramps. It's known to aid metabolism and has ability to decrease inflammation and pain in the joints.

Pappula podi

Eating legumes once a week is a great way to add health benefits, which are low in calories, high in nutrients. Pappula podi (lentils powder) is tastes good with ghee(melted butter) can be eaten with Idly or dosa. Hippocrates, the father of the medicine called these 'little wonders' recommended to consume.

Sweet Pongal

Sweet Pongal aka Chakkera Pongali(Telugu) is a sweet porridge like dish prepared in Andhra on the occasion of Sankranthi festival. Jaggery (unrefined cane sugar available in Asia)is the main ingredient in this recipe, which is a sweetner, acts as a digestive agent and ability to clense your body.

Chilli Masala Gravy

Spicy food lovers claims that, eating hot food have some health benefits, the ingredient which makes chilli hot is capsaicin. It is accepted that eating spicy food promotes sweating and is good to eat if someone has cold and this increases metabolism as well. Some researches suggest that it may help with weight loss.

Tuna Fish

Tuna is pink coloured fish, commonly sold as pre-cooked canned fish, is a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids and is truly a dense nutrient food. It is found in the warm water regions like Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea etc., This is low in fat, high in protein which fights against heart diseases and some cancers and can lower cholesterol levels.

Vegetable Biryani

Biryani is a Persian(Farsi) word, means 'fried before cooking', usually meat and rice are clustered during cooking. Over 30 different types of Biryanis are developed with time, most popular are Hyderabadi, Lucknow and Tahiri Biryani. Needless to say it was a food for Nawabs or Nizams. The Vegetarian Hindus leading to the development of Tahiri Biryani, which is a Biryani with Vegetables.


Veggie-Wrap, a delicious lunch box item or for a day-out to break the routine,  though the basic ingredients are mixed vegetables and green leaves. The wrap probably comes from California and Mexicans, Greeks have been eating wraps since 1900's.

Ravva Idly

Ravva Idly, a popular South Indian(Karnataka) breakfast item, made with semolina. Semolina is made from durum wheat used in making pastas. There are different types of semolina available in the market like rice semolina or corn semolina(commonly known as grits in U.S). When it is boiled turns into soft mushy porridge popular in the west as dessert. In South India semolina is used to make savoury foods like Upma, Ravva dosa and Ravva Idly etc.

Carrot Milk

Carrots, native Europe(Netherlands) root vegetable usually seen orange in colour, though White(Europe), Red(China), Purple and Yellow colours exists. Researchers claiming different coloured carrots have different nutritional benefits. These are the second most popular vegetable after potatoes, has many health benefits and has sources of vitamin B and K. It improves vision, Dental health and reduces heart strokes. It's strong cleansing properties detoxifies liver and good for treating uneven skin tones and skin blemishes.

Brussels Sprouts fry

Brussels sprouts, a cabbage family vegetable originated from Belgium,  just clean and remove any loose outer leaves and choose equal size to ensure that they will cook evenly. Cut each sprout into quarters to help Brussels sprouts cook more quickly and evenly or just chop it. High fibre content in it lowers our cholesterol, regulate our body's inflammatory responses. 

Rasam/Lemon Charu

Rasam(Nimmakai charu aka lemon soup) is a part of South Indian traditional meal has health benefits in it. This is best soup for cold winter days or over white rice and improves digestion of food. Pepper in the diet keeps out extra fluids by sweating and urination. Lemon juice is a powerful antibacterial and used in destroying intestinal worms. 

Avocado Chutney(Indian Style)

Avocado, a American,Mexican origin fruit, cultivated in tropical and Mediterranean climates throughout the world. It is very popular in vegan cuisine as substitute for meats in sandwiches and salads because of its fat content and rich in Vitamin B, E and K. It contains antioxidants, and is reach in proteins and fibres. The term "anti-inflammatory" is truly applies to this food and help prevent osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Picking an Avocado is simple, it must be softer than the others when you press on it (should not be mushy), and it shouldn’t contain stains on the coat(skin).

Red gram chutney/Kandi Pachadi

Red gram dal or Toor dal or Kandi pappu(telugu) contains high levels of protein and important amino acids, in combination with cereals, it makes a well- balanced food. Red gram is widely cultivated in India, is the largest producer and consumer of Red Gram dal or Pigeon pea. Split pulses in India is called dal. Fine paste made of this pulse is highly useful in bald patches. It should be applied regularly.
Pigeon pea is whole grain where as Red gram dal is split dal.

Red gram dal or Toor dal

Curd Rice

Curd rice or Yogurt rice is popular in South India, truly comfort food, often eaten by pickles like mango or lemon. it is standard to eat curd rice at the end of lunch and dinner, which helps ease the effects of the spicy main dishes, and to aid digestion. It has got many health benefits and is helpful for heart ailments, digestive system and is a rich in Vitamin C and B. Curd serves as a very good medicine and has an enzyme that keeps the body cool and is a good healer.

Coconut Chutney

Smart fuel: coconut, is rich in fibre as mayo clinic explains, diets rich in fibre can boost health by formalising bowel movements, lowering blood pressure, boost immune function and help your body fight disease. Coconut dietary fiber is highly effective in controlling blood sugar. Eating coconut meat and drinking the water, helped to clean the body well and all at the same time helps to energize. It prevents heart diseases, dissolve kidney stones and enhances the immune system.

Chicken Drumsticks

Chicken is rated as very good source of protein and vitamin B6, People who are meat eaters, but are looking for ways to reduce the amount of fat in their meals, can try eating chicken. 
Chicken is a very popular food in this country as well as throughout the world. And no wonder since it is delicious, nutritious and can be prepared large number of ways. When purchasing whole chickens, look for ones that have a solid and plump shape with a rounded breast. Whether purchasing a whole chicken or chicken parts, the chicken should feel pliable when gently pressed, and it should not have an "off" smell.

Poha Cutlet

Poha aka Rice flakes(flatened rice) or Atukulu in Telugu easily digestable form of raw rice, very popular across sub-continent. The creation of rice flakes begins with paraboiles rice. Flattened rice can be eaten raw by immersing it in plain water or milk, with salt and sugar to taste, or lightly fried in oil with nuts, raisins, cardamoms, and other spices.

Cilantro, Mint Chutney

Cilantro also known as coriander is sprinkled over the tops of dishes all around the world.  These roots are used in Thailand to give that distinctly powerful flavor to local dishes. It has powerful anti-inflammatory capacities that may help symptoms of arthritis, relief for stomach gas and strong anti-oxidant properties.
Mints are aromatic and grow best in wet environments and moist soil. Mint essential oil and menthol are extensively used as flavourings in breath fresheners, drinks, antiseptic mouth rinses. Mint helps getting rid of headaches, Inhaling these leaves relieves you from common cold. Chew mint leaves for a while once or twice a week helps whitening teeth and eliminates toxins from the body.


Asparagus a great detox and anti-ageing vegetable should be added to the healthy diet, native to most of  Europe, Northern Africa and western Asia. It grows easily in the home garden right in the flower bed. It reduces pain, inflammation and reduces risk of heart deceases and it cooks so fast..............

DatesnBanana Shake

Today, dried fruit consumption is widespread. Nearly half of the dried fruits sold are raisins followed by dates, prunes, apricots etc. Dried fruits retain most of the nutritional value of fresh fruits.

Dates provide essential nutrients like calcium, fibre, iron etc, They are wonderful sources of dietary fibre and are rich in A1, B1 vitamins. These assists digestion, strengthens tooth enamel.
Bananas consist mainly of sugars and fibre, which is ideal for an immediate and slightly prolonged source of energy and reduces depression, prevents high blood pressure, eyesight protection and heard that help people to give up smoking.

Spinach Dal

Spinach is native to central and southwestern Asia. This is a versatile food. It can be eaten raw in a salad or a green smoothie.  Along with other green leafy vegetables is considered to be a rich source of iron, high nutritional values and is extremely rich in antioxidants, especially when fresh, steamed, or quickly boiled.

Bread Pudding

A bread based dessert popular in many countries like UK, Ireland, France, South America etc. There is no fixed recipe but made with bread and combination of milk, egg, sugar. In Canada it is often made with Maple syrup. Here I tried with seeded whole wheat bread.
All whole-wheat breads are brown in color, but not all brown breads are made of whole-wheat. Before buying brown bread, make sure that it has whole grain as the main ingredient. Whole wheat bread reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome, According to research, bread made from whole wheat, when consumed, results in acting as a protective agent against breast cancer.

Celery Stalk Curry

Celery Stalk, a super food with amazing healing properties. It reduces high blood pressure and lower the risk of cancer. This is been in use for centuries in Asia as a folk remedy for high blood pressure. 
I would like to present a story on this occasion from natures health foods. In the United States, it took one man with high blood pressure and persistence to persuade researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Centre to put this remedy to the scientific test.
The story began when a man named Mr. Lee was diagnosed with mild high blood pressure.
Rather than cutting back on salt as his doctor advised, he began eating a quarter-pound (about four celery-stalks) of celery per day.
Within a week his blood pressure had dropped from 158/96 to 118/82.
It was decided to put celery-stalks to the test. My request to everybody is please be advised by professionals.
But don't overdo it and start eating celery by the pound.Celery does contain sodium, one stalk contains 35 milligrams, and for some people this can cause blood pressure to go up rather than down.Eating a ton of celery can be dangerous if you have salt-sensitive hypertension.This is a attempt of Celery Stalk, Indian way.

Orange Treat

Oranges, like other citrus fruits rich in vitamin C, a powerful, natural antioxidant helps body develops resistance against infectious agents. It is also contain very good level of vitamin A which is good for eyes. One serving of this healthy Orange treat contains 81 calories only, try this tonight.


Appam is the term equivalent to bread a fermented rice cake, delicious Malayali/Sri Lankan breakfast/dinner item which is spongy and tastes good with chicken gravy. There are different varieties of appam, I like appam with coconut and milk which owes it's origins to kerala.

Majjiga Charu

Yesterday I tried my grand mother's recipe Majjiga Charu, a kind of soup or rasam with yogurt or buttermilk. A simple item with very less ingredients which is very good in taste. This is a South Indian, Telugu recipe, tremendously good for summer season.

Rava Dosa

Rava Dosa (semolina dosa) is very quick version of dosa, very few ingredients go into this make a crispy instant dosa. The word semolina is derived from the Italian word "semola" meaning flour. Semolina is a product of wheat milling that is created when the wheat kernels are processed using corrugated cast-iron rollers. During this phase of wheat milling, the bran, germ and endosperm are separated and the endosperm breaks into coarse grains. These coarse grains are called semolina and can be further processed to produce wheat flour .


There has been an increasing interest of oatmeal in recent years because of it's health benefits.  Oats, rich in fibre helps lower the bad cholestral and reduce risk of heart diseases when combined with low fat diet. Oatmeal has a long history in Scottish culinary tradition because oats are better suited than wheat to Scotland's short, wet growing season.

Kiwi Delight

Eating kiwi fruit is clearly a healthy choice. Also Known as Chineese gooseberry, The importer in the US named it kiwifruit around 1962 and the name became global brand. Kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C than the orange. It Provides a healthy amount of antioxidants, vitamins and helps preventing colon cancer thanks to a high fiber content.

Rice Dosa

Dosa is a famous South Indian breakfast item. It tastes good with butter or oil. I tried with very less oil and avoided lentils, it tastes good though. Lentils are high in uric acid and protein as well, uric acids affects the risk of gout and artheritis.  A therapist and naturopathy doctor suggested avoiding lentils to artheritis people. Below is the lentil free dosa for you.......

Drumstick, Yellow Cucumber Curry

Yellow Cucumber or Lemon Cucumber is a gourd family vegetable called Dosakai(in Telugu) is available in parts of India. This can be used as raw and also preserved like pickle too. It's intake is very good for those who have dry skin as it keeps the skin fresh and smooth. Cucumber juice is best tonic for your skin and it also improves your complexion keeping the skin glowing and fresh.

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Suneeta Kishore
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