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Suji Halwa

Suji Halwa is Indian Porridge aka kesari(Telugu) served at temples as prasadam. Semolina is a coarse or fine middling of varieties of wheat, rice and corn as well.

Preparation Time: 5-10 min
Cook Time: 10-15 min
Cuisine: Indian/Pak
Source: Mom
1 cup semolina
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup milk
2 cups water
4-5 tsp butter(ghee)
8-10 cashew nuts
12-15 raisins
1/2 tsp cardamom powder

1. Add 2-3 tsp of butter to sauce pan, roast cashew nuts and raisins one after the other, keep them aside.
2. Heat rest of the butter(ghee) in the same pan, fry semolina until it's colour turns golden brown
3. Now add milk and water to semolina, cook for 5 min stirring occasionally, see to that no lumps formed.
4. Add sugar to it and stir
4. Now keep the lid on and simmer the flame and cook for another 5 min.
5. Add cashews and raisins at this stage 
6. Serve warm.


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Suneeta Kishore
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