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Stuffed Ivy Gourd

Ivy gourd is a tropical vine, also called little gourd, can be seen from Africa to Asia and Hawaii. These leaves are used in treating skin eruptions. It can lower blood sugar and helps constipation. Ivy gourd contains fibre, vitamin B and minerals.

Preparation Time: 20 min
Cook Time: 20 min
Source: Mom
Cuisine: Andhra
1/4 Kg Ivy Gourd/Tindora
salt to taste
For stuffing
8 tsp of roasted chick peas
5-6 tsp of black gram
4 dry red chillies
2 tsp coriander seeds
10 tsp of sesame seeds
1/2 tsp jeera/cumin
4-5 black pepper seeds
For Tempering:
4-5 tsp oil
8-10 curry leaves
1 tsp whole black gram 
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
dash asafeteda
1/8 tsp turmeric

1. Heat 1 tsp of oil in the skillet, add black gram, dry red chilles, coriander seeds, saute them for a 2-3 min, transfer to the bowl
2. then heat sesame seeds n jeera one after the other for a minute, add to the bowl, let them cool down.
3. Now grind all the stuffing ingredients to make a fine powder and salt to taste, keep it aside.
4. Wash and dry the ivy gourd, and slit them vertically into four, leaving a base.
5. Now stuff the powdered masala into the Ivy gourd and press tighly with your fist, keep them aside.
5. In the same skillet, heat 3-4 tsp of oil, then add turmaric, black gram, mustard hing n curry leaves, let it splutter.
6. Then add stuffed Ivy gourd to the skillet, saute them stirring occasinally for 5 min.
7. Add rest of the masala powder to the skillet, add salt to taste, if required, sprinkle water and close the lid, and cook it for 8-10 min in simmer.
8. Remove the lid, let it fry for couple of minutes, turn of the heat.
9. It is a very good side dish for sambar rice.


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