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Jinger Apple Smoothie

Ginger a hot, fragrant kitchen spice, a natural medicine for many ailments since centuries. This is a wonder drug to Ayurveda practitioners, helps relieves indigestion, nausea, detoxifies the body and relaxes menstrual cramps. It's known to aid metabolism and has ability to decrease inflammation and pain in the joints.

Preparation time: 5 min
Blend time: 5 min
1 apple cored, deseeded, peeled
4-5 tsp of lemon juice
1/2 pure water
2 ice-cubes
1 inch fresh ginger, peeled n crushed
sweetener to taste

1. Blend Apple, lemon juice, ginger until smooth
2. Then add water and sweetener to the paste and blend for a while
3. Serve it with ice cubes.


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Suneeta Kishore
Birmingham, United Kingdom
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