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Beetroot Smothie

Research has shown that beetroot helps reducing blood pressure and associated risks such as heart attacks. A daily dose of  250ml beet juice can help reducing blood pressure dramatically. Beetroot is low in calories and fat free and is great for boosting stamina. This aids absorption of iron which increases the blood count and is a powerful anti-oxidant and used as a detoxifying agent.


1 cup - cooked beetroot
2-3 - dates pitted
1 cup - yogurt
few - mint leaves
salt to taste


1. Add all the ingredients into blender/mixer, then add 1/2 a glass of water to it.  blend them smoothly.
2. Enjoy.

 Apple/ pineapple / pear/ banana can be added to this for variation.


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Suneeta Kishore
Birmingham, United Kingdom
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